function startup(nr) { write_menu(); if (nr != 0) { for(i=0;i"); mn = 0; mni = 1; start = -1; for(i=0;i"); h = csmc * iheight; tmn = mn; //-h self_menu[smc] = new Array(tmn,h,0,-2); smc++; mn--; } csmc = 0; document.write(""); self_menu[smc] = new Array(mn,height,0,mni); smc++; mni++; mn+=height; start = 1; } else { if(start == 1) { if(N)mn+=2; document.write("
"); start = 0; } document.write("
"+ la[1] + "
"); csmc++; } } if (start == 0) { document.write("
"); h = csmc * iheight; tmn = mn + 5; //-h self_menu[smc] = new Array(tmn,h,0); name = "down" + (self_menu.length-1); obj = document.getElementById(name); = "black"; = 1; = "solid"; } document.write("");} function color(obj) { document.getElementById(obj).style.backgroundColor = over_bgc; document.getElementById(obj).style.color = over_tc } function uncolor(obj) { document.getElementById(obj).style.backgroundColor = bgc; document.getElementById(obj).style.color = tc } function pull_down(nr,c) { if (timerID == "") { to = self_menu[nr+1][1] begin = nr + 2; if (timerID != "") clearTimeout(timerID); if (self_menu[nr+1][2] == 0) { self_menu[nr+1][2] = 1; if(nr == self_menu.length-2) {to++;} epull_down(begin,to,0); } else { to = 0; self_menu[nr+1][2] = 0; name = "down"+(nr+2); open_item = 0; for(i=0;i to) timerID = setTimeout("epull_up("+nr+","+to+","+nowv+")",speed); else timerID = ""; }